Developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) is the…
Presented By
Christina Herrero, MD; Michele Cerasani, MD; Dylan Lowe, MD; Pablo Castañeda, MD Organization
New York University
Hip pathology is common in pediatric orthopedics…
Presented By
Chair: Jennifer Beck, MD - Orthopaedic Institute for Children
Faculty: Stephanie Mayer, MD, Andy Pennock, MD, Matthew Schmitz, MD
Special live session from the 2021 AAOS Meeting…
Presented By
Your hosts are Josh Holt from The University of Iowa, Carter Clement from Children’s Hospital of New Orleans, and Julia Sanders from Children’s Hospital Colorado.
University of Maryland Resident Webinar Series…
Presented By
Rachel Y. Goldstein, MD, MPH Organization
Children's Hospital Los Angeles
University of Maryland Resident Webinar Series…
Presented By
Tom McPartland, MD Organization
Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
University of Maryland Resident Webinar Series…
Presented By
Martin Herman, MD Organization
Drexel University College of Medicine
IPOS 2019 Authors' Preferred Techniques
Presented By
Deborah Eastwood, MB, ChB, FRCS Organization
Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, London
A crash course in peds ortho to get you prepared…
Presented By
Daniel (Dan) J. Miller, MD Organization
Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare of St. Paul, MN and the POSNA Resident Communications Committee
This video describes our preferred technique…
Presented By
Daniel (Dan) J. Miller, MD, Kemble Wang, MBBS, Ira Zaltz, MD, and Wudbhav N. Sankar, MD Organization
Gillette Children's Specialty Healthcare, William Beaumont School of Medicine, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
This video is meant to serve as an
Presented By
Daniel (Dan) J. Miller, MD, Kemble Wang, MBBS, and Wudbhav N. Sankar, MD Organization
Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare and the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
2017 IPOS Author's Preferred Techniques
Presented By
Young-Jo Kim, MD, PhD Organization
Boston Children's Hospital
2017 IPOS Author's Preferred Techniques
Presented By
Daniel J. Sucato, MD Organization
Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children
Surgical video of a medial approach to an open…
Presented By
Wudbhav N. Sankar, MD Organization
The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP)
Orthopaedic physicial exam of the hip in children
Presented By
Wudbhav Sankar, MD Organization
The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
This video and 3D animation demonstrates the…
Presented By
Dennis R. Wenger, MD Organization
Rady Children's Hospital, San Diego
IPOS 2015 - Authors Preferred Techniques
Presented By
V. Salil Upasani, MD Organization
Rady Children's Hospital, San Diego